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  • Why are you distinctly Baptist?

    Baptists constitute one of the major denominations of the United States today. Some twenty-seven distinct groups carry the name Baptist. They represent over ninety-thousand local Baptist churches. These churches are independent of one another, with their members also completely independent of one another. While these churches and members are independent, yet they are bound together by an amazingly strong tie of fellowship in a great allegiance to certain principles and doctrines based generally upon the convictions that everyone is competent to reach his/her own conclusions in matters of faith and practice.

    Baptists claim no head or founder but Christ. It is their conviction that the church has apostolic origin, dating back to the personal ministry of Christ. Furthermore, it is their conviction that there has been a continuation of churches of like faith and order from the days of Christ to the present time. While Baptists believe in church succession, they do not believe in “name succession.” The name “Baptist” distinguishing them as a separate communion dates back to the 17th century. Baptists do believe, however, that in every age there have been independent communions of believers (under various names) perpetuating the doctrines and practices of New Testament teachings.

    While there are differences of varying degrees among those who claim to be in the mainstream of the Baptist faith, they are generally agreed upon the following principles:

    1. The Word of God is the trustworthy, authoritative rule of faith and practice.
    2. The absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ is recognized.
    3. The inherent freedom of the individual to approach God is held dear by all Baptists.
    4. The salvation experience comes only by grace through faith.
    5. There are only two church ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
    6. The independency of the local church is strongly maintained.
    7. The New Testament church is a body of baptized believers.
    8. Infant baptism is unwarranted and unscriptural.
    9. Baptists insist upon the separation of church and state.
    10. Baptists believe in the immortality of the soul.
    11. The ultimate triumph of God’s kingdom will be realized with the literal second coming of Christ.
    12. The only scriptural mode of baptism is by immersion.
  • What is the pastors teaching style?

    Pastor Williams believes that verse by verse, expository study is the best to fully understand the truths of God and entire counsel of His Word. Simply put, topical sermons tend to produce topical Christians. The Bible gives us insight on how to study scriptures and grow in knowledge. “Whom shall he teach knowledge? and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:” (Isa 28:9-10) Scripture should be studied in context; precept upon precept, line upon line. The most common mistake made in studying the Bible is taking verses out of context. The principle is that text without context is pretext. When scripture is taken out of context it is easy to have preconceived ideas about what is means. It is easy to twist verses taken out of context and teach false heretical ideas.

  • What is your theological view on salvation (Calvinism vs Arminianism)?

    Scripture affirms God’s sovereignty in electing those who are saved as well as mankind’s moral responsibility to respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our conviction is that both are biblical components in the work of salvation, and we do not subscribe to any theological systems that would emphasize one at the exclusion of the other. John 1:12-13; John 3:16; John 5:40; John 6:29; John 6:65; Ephesians 1:4-6; 1 Peter 1:2, 1 Timothy 2:3-6; 1 John 2:1-2

  • What is your view on the prosperity gospel?

    God is sovereign and cannot be commanded to heal, manifest material wealth, or work miracles according to man’s coercion, a practice commonly referred to as “positive confession” or “prosperity theology.” Isaiah 46:10; Daniel 4:35; John 19:11; 2 Corinthians 12:7-11; James 4:12

  • What is a multigenerational church?

    We believe in keeping the family together as we worship the Lord, encouraging our children to learn, by example, what it means to worship together, with their parents and under the authority of their father. We believe that the father is the head of the home. The church is to equip, undergird, and assist him, but not replace him, in the teaching & growing of his family in the Lord. As a church, we desire to promote family unity and a turning of the hearts of the fathers and children towards one another to the glory of the Lord. We also recognize that the body of Christ is a beautiful variation of so many different people, who are each a reflection of His love and mercy. We desire to minister with and encourage those in all walks of life…children, youth, single, married, families, widows, and senior saints.

  • Why a lunch fellowship each Sunday?

    Our church likes to spend time together as a family. Therefore, every Sunday after worship we share a meal together. This has become a time of fellowship, growth, and opportunity to love one another. It also gives us an opportunity to get to know our visitors.  

  • What programs do you offer?

    We do not focus on programs. The biggest reason is that what you draw people with is what you draw them to.  A church can use music, trips, sports, parties and all sorts of things to draw people in, but when we draw them in with programs, activities, promotions, and such we are drawing them to those things. When we use the pure, unadulterated Word of God to draw people in, it is Christ alone that they are drawn to.

  • Why an 8-week membership course?

    The misunderstanding of the word “church” exacerbates the problem in the modern church era of denominational heresy and false converts. The basic criteria for being in the local assembly becomes at best scattered and at worst non-existent in most modern denominations. To combat this false teaching that is so prevalent, we have decided to be upfront and open about what we believe and teach. While a membership course is not found in the scriptures, it has become necessary to protect the purity of the doctrine that was laid down by the Apostles (Ephesians 4:11, Acts 2:40-43). Therefore we have created an 8-week membership course.

    It is our sincere belief and hope that every believer, new and old, will desire to be a part of a local, New Testament church that is built on a solid foundation of biblical doctrine and practice. A membership course keeps members on the same page and moving in the same direction.

  • Why do you practice church discipline?

    We recognize that practicing church discipline is indeed unusual in today’s churches. But we firmly believe when practiced in love that it is one of the best practices for the church as a whole. Because of this, we discipline those who refuse to repent (I Corinthians 5:9, I Corinthians 5:11, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, Matthew 18:17) in a loving effort to win them back. Reasons for removal of membership can be for either continuous inactive member status or the member’s life and conduct is not in accordance with the membership covenant in such a way that the member hinders the ministry influence of the Church in the community. Procedures for the dismissal of a member are in love and according to Matthew 18:15-17 and I Corinthians 5 with the hopes of restoration when their lifestyle is judged to be in accordance with the membership covenant and a formal apology has been given to the church.